Thursday, August 30, 2012

Welcome to Mandy's Corner!

Well, I am so happy to join the blogging world! After many years of online businesses, and lots of creative ideas running through my head, I have decided to jump on in head first! 

So , for starters, I am going to be posting all things homeschool ( for record keeping purposes). And I may throw in some creative projects that I happen to do along the way, and who knows what else ! =) 

Even if I am the only one to ever read this blog, at least I have a record of what I've been up to for myself! And my darlin' baby girls , who are 4 and 5 and into all things princess at the moment. 

I've heard that you can print your blogs out at the end of the year, so that's not a bad reason to do this either! I'm thinking I will scrap the scrap booking and just go ahead and have a book made of the blog each year instead! 

Time saver?? Maybe...

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